Found: 40 articles

Article Edition
A.A. Protopopov, O.V. Nesterenko, V.B. Borodulin, O.V. Shevchenko
Hyperhpmocysteinemia as a predictor of chronic pyelonephritis progression
№6 / 2013
O.K. Botvin'ev, M.P. Safonova
Asimmetry in inborn kidney hypoplasy and children viability in dependence of affection lateralization
№5 / 2013
N.M. Mikheeva 1, N.A. Tekut’eva 2, Ya.F. Zverev 1, G.I. Vyhodtseva 1, Yu.F. Lobanov 1
Idiopathic hypercalciuria and neurogenic urinate disturbances in children living in barnaul city
№5 / 2013
A.D. Ainakulov 1, E.V. Shpot’ 2
Morphological characteristics of ureteropelvic segment in children with inborn hydronephrosis
№4 / 2013
O.V. Nesterenko, V.I. Goremykin
Urodynamic parameters in children with chronic pyelonephritis
№3 / 2013
V.A Bykovskiy 1, A.N Kislyakov 2, V.I Runenko 3
Morphological basis of ultrasound estimation of acute pyelonephritis in children
№3 / 2013
M.S. Ignatova, S.L. Morozov, T.A. Kryganova, D.V. Shentseva, N.F. Nazarova, N.E. Kon'kova, V.V. Dlin
Congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract syndrome in children: modern statement
№2 / 2013
A.E. Naushabaeva, B.A. Abeouva, G.N. Chingaeva, K.A. Kabulbaev, A.B. Kuzgibeckova, G.G. Eremicheva
Clinical and morphological charasteristics of focal-segmental glomerulosclerosis in Каzakh children
№2 / 2013
I.V. Bagdasarova, O.V. Lavrenchuk, L.A. Myhal
Diagnosing and prognosis of clinical course in urinary tract infections in children
№4 / 2012
A.D. Ainakulov, E.V. Shpot
Сolor dopplerography in diagnosing of total duplication of ureters in children
№4 / 2012
A.P. Potemkina, T.V. Margieva, O.V. Komarova, T.V. Vashurina, O.A. Zrobock, L.V. Leonova, P.E. Povilaitite, A.N. Tsigyn
Differential diagnosis of main сauses of glomerular heamaturia in children
№3 / 2012
O.V. Nesterenko, V.I. Goremykin
Modern approaches to diagnosing and treatment of primary monosymptomatic night enuresis in children
№2 / 2012

Бионика Медиа