Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in glomerulopathies

D.A. Aiypova, N.A. Beishebaeva, R.R. Kaliev

1 National Center for Cardiology and Therapy n.a. Academician Mirsaid Mirrakhimov of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Kyrgyz Republic; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; 2 Kyrgyz State Medical Academy n.a. I.K. Akhunbaev; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; 3 National Center for Maternal and Child Health Protection of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Kyrgyz Republic; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Aim. To evaluate the diastolic function of the heart in various variants of GPs.

Materials and Methods. 55 patients aged from 17 to 58 (mean age, 32.76±10.3) years with GPs were examined (32
men, 23 women). All patients underwent nephrobiopsy. IgA, IgG and IgM GPs were diagnosed.

Results. In the majority of patients (78.1%), the onset of the disease was diagnosed at a young age over 17 years.
Clinically, most often there was a nephrotic syndrome (65.4%), and in most cases – in men (72.2%). Systolic and
diastolic blood pressure was 130.3±20.0 mm Hg and 83.2±13.06 mm Hg, respectively. According to the nature of the
immune deposits in different morphological types of GPs, we divided them into three subgroups. Analysis of clinical
data has revealed statistically significant differences between patient groups. Diastolic dysfunction (DD) was
diagnosed in 36.4% of patients with Gps at the early stages of the disease, before the development of renal failure.

Conclusion. Each third patient with GP in the onset of the disease without renal failure was diagnosed with left
ventricular dysfunction. The most pronounced signs of violations of diastolic LV filling were detected in patients
with IgM nephropathy, as evidenced by reliable intergroup differences.

About the Autors

Aiypova D.A. – Researcher at the Department of Nephrology NCCT of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Kyrgyz Republic; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. E-mail: dinaralievna@gmail.com
Beishebaeva N.A. – PhD in Medical Science, Head of Department of Nephrology NCMCHP of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Kyrgyz Republic; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
E-mail: beishebaevanasira@gmail.com
Kaliev R.R. - Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Faculty Therapy KSMA; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. E-mail: karys2002@mail.ru

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