Effect of dialyzer with vitamin E on treatment of anemia and inflammation level

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/nephrology.2018.3.41-46

E.V. Shutov, O.V. Balkarova, G.V. Kotlyarova

1 SBHCI "City Clinical Hospital. S.P. Botkin" of Moscow Healthcare Department; Moscow, Russia; 2 FSBEI FPE "Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education" of the Ministry; 3 SBHCI "City Clinical Hospital № 24" of Moscow Healthcare Department; Moscow, Russia
Purpose. Despite the success of hemodialysis therapy, one of the unresolved problems remains the problem of the biocompatibility of dialysis membranes, which leads to a deterioration in the results of treatment, and also promotes the development of resistance to erythropoietin-stimulating drugs in the treatment of anemia.
Material and methods. An open prospective study on the effect of vitamin E-coated dialysis membranes on the inflammation level and the index of resistance to erythropoietin-stimulating agents (ERI) enrolled for the period of 3 months 30 patients who received hemodialysis for at least 3 months. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein, iron metabolism, albumin, and prealbumin levels were determined every month.
Results. During the treatment of patients using vitamin E-coated polysulfone dialysis membranes, the IL-6 level was statistically significantly reduced, from 9.4±13.5 to 1.3±2.1 pg/ml (P<0.001). The parameters of iron metabolism, albumin, prealbumin and C-reactive protein levels did not change significantly. Generally, ERI in the group did not change significantly, but in patients with initially high ERI it decreased from 12.5±2.2 to 10.7±1.2 IU/ kg/week/g (P<0.05).
Conclusion. The use of vitamin E-coated polysulfone dialysis membranes is advisable for patients with high ERI to treat anemia and reduce inflammation.
Keywords: anemia, hemodialysis, inflammation, vitamin E

About the Autors

Shutov E.V. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Nephrology № 12 SBHCI "CCH n.a. S.P. Botkin of Moscow Healthcare Department", Professor at the Department of Nephrology and Hemodialysis, FSBEI FPE RMACPE; Moscow, Russia. E-mail: shutov_e_v@mail.ru
Balkarova O.V. – Head of the Department of Hemodialysis SBHCI "CCH №24 of Moscow Healthcare Department; Moscow, Russia.
Kotlyarova G.V. – PhD in Medical Sciences, Nephrologist, SBHCI "CCH n.a. S.P. Botkin of Moscow Healthcare Department"; Moscow, Russia.

Бионика Медиа