Found: 2 articles

Article Edition
K.M. Mosyakova, E.V. Shpot', D.V. Zaletaev, A.Z. Vinarov, V.V. Strel'nikov
Renal damage in tuberous sclerosis
№1 / 2016
E.B. Kuznetsova, K.M. Mosyakova, A.S. Tanas, M.S. Chaplygina, E.A. Alekseeva, E.V. Shpot', K.I. Anoshkin, D.V. Zaletaev, A.Z. Vinarov, V.V. Strel'nikov
Experience in using high-performance parallel DNA sequencing to characterize the molecular genetic features of kidney angiomyolipoma
№1 / 2016

Бионика Медиа