The life and scientific outlook of Sergey P. Botkin (1832–1889), a classic of Russian medicine, an outstanding scientist, teacher and clinical physician. To the 190th anniversary of his birth


Morgoshiya T.Sh., Turabova N.М., Kalashnikova V.D.

1) St. Petersburg Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia; 2) St. Petersburg City Outpatient Clinic № 99, St. Petersburg, Russia; 3) St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
The article analyzes the life and scientific work of the outstanding scientist, clinical physician, Professor S.P. Botkin. Little-known facts from his life are presented. It is noted that S.P. Botkin was undoubtedly the greatest figure in clinical medicine of all time. He has great merits in the creation of our Russian scientific medicine, from which Soviet medicine was subsequently born. It is shown that renal artery clipping was performed for the first time ever by Ya.Ya. Stolnikov in the laboratory of Professor S.P. Botkin (1879). This made it possible to obtain experimental renal hypertension. Similar experiments, which contributed to the development and progress in the study of hypertension, were made by N. Goldblatt and co-workers on a larger scale only in 1934. Sergey P/ Botkin did not rule out diffuse nephritis with a predominance of the interstitial or parenchymal component. It is shown that he was a talented clinical physician and an amazing diagnostician. S.P. Botkin was an excellent teacher. Each of his lectures gave pause for thought, threw grain of truth, an idea, a big stimulating thought for the audience. Doctors, leaving the audience after his lectures, always received a new perspective, and therefore S.P. Botkin was considered one of the best clinician teachers of his time and the "founding father" of a brilliant scientific school of therapists in our country.

About the Autors

Temuri Sh. Morgoshiya – Cand.Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Surgical Oncologist, St. Petersburg Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia;
Nargiz М. Turabova – Endocrinologist, St. Petersburg City Outpatient Clinic № 99, St. Petersburg, Russia
Valeria D. Kalashnikova – Student of St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia

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