Found: 2 articles

Article Edition
Vatazin A.V., Zul'karnaev A.B., Astakhov P.V., Vasilenko I.A., Krstich M., Artemov D.V.
Interleukin-6 in development of ishemia-reperfusion syndorme and renal transplant rejection
№5-6 / 2012
M.S. Molchanova, E.E. Tikhomirov, L.P. Bykova, E.A. Molchanova, A.L. Rumiantsev, A.L. Valov, D.B. Ektov, V.A. Gavrilova, Yu.B. Yurasova, E.K. Petrosian
Role of R990G polymorphism of calcium-sensing receptor gene in regulation of parathyroid hormone level in children with chronic kidney disease stage II–V
№1 / 2012

Бионика Медиа