Hyperfiltration in clinical practise

G.P. Arutyunov MD., PhD., Prof; L.G. Oganezova, MD (Moscow)

Russian State Medical University
Due to permanent increase of arterial hypertension prevalence and the frequency of hypertensive nephropathy development, as well as significant increase of cardiovascular complications risk after the appearance of microalbuminuria (MAU), special attention should be paid to patients with hyperfiltration, condition that leads to MAU development. The most common theory of hyperfiltration development is the theory of “intact nephron”. Methods of hyperfiltration detection includes instrumental and laboratory, predictive formulas for screening (e.g. Mayo), tests with protein upload. It is proven fact that hyperfiltration is associated with risk factors of metabolic syndrome. approaches for hyperfiltration correction are not standardized but established hyper activation of RAAS lets to offer ACE inhibitors and ARA as first line therapy.

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