Found: 6 articles

Article Edition
Z.R. Bashirova, I.M. Osmanov
Association of proteolysis factors with progression of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in children
№4 / 2021
I.V. Bagdasarova, O.V. Lavrenchuk, L.A. Myhal
Diagnosing and prognosis of clinical course in urinary tract infections in children
№4 / 2012
M.M. Batiushin, A.A. Gaushkin, V.N. Poganeva, E.G. Asrumian, A.S. Litvinov, N.A. Sadovnichaya, D.S. Tsevtskov, L.I. Rudenko
Sulodexide (“Vessel Due F”) – new perspectives in nephroprotecive therapy
№3 / 2012
V.V. Kaliuzhin, O.F. Sibirtseva, O.I. Urazova, E.V. Kaliuzhina, L.M. Tkalich, Li.I. Zibnitskaya, R.N. Kolesnikov, V.Yu. Grankina
Laboratory markers of haemosthasis panel in prognosing of progression of chronic kidney disease
№3 / 2012
T.E. Rudenko, I.M. Kutyrina, M.Yu. Shvetsov
Lipid metabolism in chronic kidney disease
№2 / 2012
E.V. Arkhipov, O.N. Sigitova
Role of structural and fucntional destabilization of nephrocyte membranes in progression of pyelonephritis
№6 / 2010

Бионика Медиа