Sodium homeostasis disorders: the multidisciplinary approach
№3 / 2011
Renal artery throbosis and thrombembolism: danger, thart must be controlled
№3 / 2011
Acute interstitial nephritis
№3 / 2011
Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease: perspectives of treatment
№3 / 2011
Cholesterol atheroembolic disease – emerging variant of acute kidney injury
№3 / 2011
Fanconi syndrome
№2 / 2011
G.P. Arutiunov, A.V. Sokolova, L.G. Oganesova
Experimental models of renal tubulointersitial damade in arterial hypertension
№2 / 2011
I.V. Rogova, V.V. Fomin, T.V. Androsova, L.V. Kozlovskaya, T.N. Yanushkevich, L.M. Smirnova, T.N. Shovskaya
Lupus nephritis, associated with skin involvement, mimicking porphyria cutanea tarda
№2 / 2011
N.A. Moukhin, L.V. Kozlovskaya, L.Yu. Milovanova, S.V. Tegai, N.B. Gordovskaya, T.M. Ignatova, I.S. Kudlinskii
HCV-associated cryoglobulinemic vasculitis with severe kidney involvement and B-cell lymphoma development. Monoclonal anti-CD-20 antibodies and antiviral therapy as options of prognosis improvement
№2 / 2011
L.S. Prikhodina, O.Yu. Turpitko, V.V. Dlin, M.S. Ignatova
Mycophenolate mofetil in treatment of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in children
№2 / 2011
P.N. Liubchenko, S.B. Urenkov, E.S. Stoliarevich, N.E. Budnikova, T.V. Stotskaya, A.A. Atamanchuk, A.V. Vinogradov
Structure of morphological changes in kidneys and role of kidney biopsy in correction of treatment strategy of nephropathies in Moscow region residents
№2 / 2011
N.V. Sokratov
Dynamics of baseline levels of hemostasis system in kidney diseases
№2 / 2011