The first case of successful pregnancy and natural childbirth in a patient on program hemodialysis in Uzbekistan


Daminov B.T., Azizov S.K., Sharapov O.N., Safoeva Sh.F.

1) Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 2) Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 3) Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Background. As is known, in the body of a patient receiving hemodialysis (HD), along with metabolic disorders, acid-base conditions, digestion, endocrine disorders, etc., pathological irreversible changes in the reproductive system are observed. They lose their ability to work and become disabled. Therefore, many women on HD do not experience pregnancy or have a miscarriage. In recent years, major reforms have been carried out in Uzbekistan in the healthcare system, in particular in the field of nephrology and HD. Among these reforms, special attention is paid to improving the quality and HD coverage of the country's population.
Description of the clinical case. The article describes the first successful pregnancy and natural childbirth in a patient on program HD in Uzbekistan.

About the Autors

Botir T. Daminov – Dr.Sci. (Med.), Professor, Director of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation.
Address: 9 Yangi Shakhar st., Yunusabad district, Tashkent, 100009, Uzbekistan; tel.: +(99871) 224-96-59; e-mail:
Sabit K. Azizov – Dr.Sci. (Med.), Head of the Hemodialysis Department № 1, Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation. Address: 9 Yangi Shakhar st., Yunusabad district, Tashkent, 100009, Uzbekistan; tel.: +(99890) 349-35-89, e-mail:
Olimkhon N. Sharapov – Cand. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Scientific Department of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation. Address: 9 Yangi Shakhar st., Yunusabad district, Tashkent, 100009, Uzbekistan; tel.: +(99890) 972-25-08, e-mail:
Shirinkhon F. Safoeva  – Cand. Sci. (Med.), Obstetrician-Gynecologist at the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Address: 132a Mirzo-Ulugbek st., Mirzo Ulugbek district, Tashkent,100125, Uzbekistan; tel.: +(99871) 263-78-18, e-mail:

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