Improving health literacy in patients with CKD. Informed choice and collaborative decision making. Further patient education when choosing a peritoneal dialysis method


Berdinsky V.A., Kotenko O.N., Frolova N.F., Vinogradov V.E., Kargalskaya I.G., Ivanova E.S., Dorofeeva E.G.

1) Moscow City Scientific and Practical Center for Nephrology and Transplanted Kidney Pathology, Moscow, Russia; 2) Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management, Moscow, Russia; 3) Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
Limited health literacy affects about 25% of patients with chronic kidney disease and may lead to worse clinical outcomes. Based on this, a model of collaborative decision making has been developed, modified and implemented in nephrology, which clearly benefits patients with kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease is a disease with a complex pathophysiology and currently there is limited knowledge among the population about its course and possible complications. Health literacy plays an important role in the treatment and care of patients with kidney disease, as well as in making a collaborative decision on the choice of a method of renal replacement therapy. Limited patient literacy can lead to poor efficiency of health services, non-adherence to medications, worse quality of life and increased mortality. In this review, we will consider the importance of health literacy in patients with chronic kidney disease to improve treatment adherence and further influence collaborative decision making on the choice of peritoneal dialysis as a method of renal replacement therapy.

About the Autors

Vitaly A. Berdinsky – Head of the Nephrology Department No. 4, City Clinical Hospital No.52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department. Address: 3 Pekhotnaya st., Moscow, 123182.
Oleg N. Kotenko – Dr.Sci. (Med.), Chief External Expert in Nephrology, Head of the Moscow City Scientific and Practical Center for Nephrology and Transplanted
Kidney Pathology, City Clinical Hospital No.52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department. Address: 3 Pekhotnaya st., Moscow, 123182. E-mail:
Nadiya F. Frolova – Cand.Sci.(Med.), Deputy Chief Physician for Nephrology, City Clinical Hospital No.52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department.
Address: 3 Pekhotnaya st., Moscow, 123182.E-mail:
Irina G. Kargalskaya – Head of the "Telenephrocenter" project, City Clinical Hospital No.52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department. Head of the
"Patient-Oriented Telemedicine" Committee under the All-Russian Union of Patients. Address: 3 Pekhotnaya st., Moscow, 123182
Vladimir E. Vinogradov – Head of the Consultative and Diagnostic Department, City Clinical Hospital No.52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department.
Address: 3 Pekhotnaya st., Moscow, 123182
Ekaterina S. Ivanova – Cand.Sci. (Med.), Nephrologist at the Nephrology Department No. 1, City Clinical Hospital No.52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department.
Address: 3 Pekhotnaya st., Moscow, 123182
Ekaterina S. Dorofeeva – Nephrologist at the Consultative and Diagnostic Department, City Clinical Hospital No.52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department.
Address: 3 Pekhotnaya st., Moscow, 123182

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