N.A. Makarova, Ju.M. Zaharov
Relationship of renal excretory function impairment to serum erythropoietin level in chronic heart failure
№1 / 2015
M.M. Batyushin
Selected issues of chemolitholysis in urate nephrolithiasis
№1 / 2015
A.G. Jankovoj, A.A. Sinjutin, V.A. Stepanov, K.A. Korshunov
Massive hematuria following percutaneous biopsy of the graft in a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis
№1 / 2015
A.V. Sokolova, D.O. Dragunov, G.P. Arutjunov
Strategy of drug therapy selection in patients with hypertension and renal tubulointersticial injury
№1 / 2015
L.I. Rudenko, M.M. Batjushin, A.A. Kastanajan, B.I. Vorob'ev, I.V. Sarvilina
Role of serum alpha-klotho and fgf23 in cardiovascular calcification
№1 / 2015
E.O. Borodulina, S.A. Karpunin, A.M. Shutov
Pulmonary hypertension in dialysis patients
№1 / 2015
A.V. Vatazin, A.B. Zul'karnaev, M. Krstich, R.O. Kantarija
Coupled plasma filtration adsorption in the treatment of severe sepsis in patients after kidney transplantation
№1 / 2015
B.G. Iskenderov, O.N. Sisina
Acute kidney injury and its prognostic value for patients with metabolic syndrome and intact glomerular filtration who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting
№1 / 2015
G. Garcia-Garcia, V. Jha
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in disadvantaged populations
№1 / 2015
A look at 175 years ago (B.Braun)
№6 / 2014
A.G. Yankovoy, A.B. Zulkarnaev, A.A. Sinyutin, V.A. Stepanov
Successful treatment of segmental mesenteric thrombosis in renal transplant recipient
№6 / 2014
I.A. Tyu zikov, S.Yu. Kalinchenko, L.O. Vorslov, Yu.A. Tishova, E.A. Grekov
Pathogenesis, complex diagnosis and pathogenetic therapy of nocturia
№6 / 2014