Found: 306 articles

Article Edition
I.A. Bondar’, V.V. Klimontov, A.I. Simakova
Inflammatory cytokines in pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of diabetic nephropathy
№6 / 2010
M.L. Nanchikeeva, L.V. Kozlovskaya
Nephroprotecive and cardioprotective effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor in patients with hypertensive nephropathy
№6 / 2010
A.A. Galushkin, M.M. Batiushin, V.P. Terent’ev, Yu.Yu. Gorbliasky, V.N. Stepkova, N.N. Volikov
Hypertensive nephropathy evolution in patients with metabolic syndrome
№6 / 2010
J.S. Milovanov, L.J. Milovanova, L.V. Kozlovskaya
Anaemia in chronic kidney disease: pathogenesis, prognostic sighnificance, treatment
№6 / 2010
Resolution of working group “Organization of nephrological service in Russia” meeting on VII Congress of Russian Scientific Society of Nephrology
№6 / 2010
Address of chief out-of-state nephrologist of Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of Russian Federation professor E.M. Shilov
№6 / 2010
Bowman capsule
№5 / 2010
V.V. Fomin, A.A. Pulin, V.V. Rameev, V.P. Sedov, A.D. Meshkov, S.V. Roschupkina, V.V. Panasiuk, L.V. Kozlovskaya, N.A. Moukhin
Fabry disease with proteinuric nephropathy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, misinterpreted as chronic glomerulonephritis in Schonlein-Henoch purpura
№5 / 2010
V.V. Fomin, V.V. Panasiuk
Frequent pitfalls in antihypertensive therapy
№5 / 2010
I.A. Bondar, V.V. Klimontov
Intracellular signalling pathways in diabetic nephropathy: new targets for nephroprotection
№5 / 2010
M.L. Maximov
Angiotensin II receptor blocker valsartan and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor enalapril in hypertensive patients with renal transpalant nephropathy
№5 / 2010
L.V. Podorolskaya, E.L. Tchumakova, L.V. Lobanova, L.A. Alexeeva
Fibrinolytic activity of the urine in patients with arterial hypertension with different efficacy of antihypertensive treatment
№5 / 2010

Бионика Медиа