The evolution of anemic syndrome against the background of chronic kidney disease in real clinical practice


S.I. Korneeva, S.A. Pribylov, A.V. Bezgin, A. Trigub

1) Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kursk, Russia 2) Kursk Regional Clinical Hospital, Kursk, Russia
Objective. Assessment of the individual characteristics of patients with chronic kidney dis-ease (CKD) with the presence of anemic syndrome (AS) at various stages of medical care in real clinical practice.
Materials and methods. The study included 762 CKD patients who were admitted to the endocrinological, nephrology and dialysis departments, and the results of the examination of which revealed anemia of varying severity. Criteria for inclusion in the study corresponded to modern generally accepted classification categories.
Results. In patients with kidney damage, AS was detected already at the stage of non-specialized (endocrinological) department, with a regular increase in the proportion of this cohort of patients and the severity of the condition in the specialized nephrology department, and in the settings of the dialysis department. Gender and age analysis of patients showed that anemia is most often detected in women of older age, which requires tight control of red blood cell parameters in order to timely start antianemic therapy for the improvement of the prognosis of patients. The most "favorable" background for the development of anemia in CKD includes glomerulonephritis, often leading to the most rapid progression of renal failure and direct disruption of the erythropoietin production.
Conclusion. In order to improve the prognosis of CKD patients with anemic syndrome, early intervention into pathological process at the stage of non-specialized department is necessary, with close adherence to the principles of continuity of medical care.

About the Autors

Korneeva S.I. – Teaching Assistant at the Department of Internal Diseases FPGE, Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kursk, Russia.
Pribylov S.A. – Deputy Chief Physician for Treatment, Kursk Regional Clinical Hospital,; Head of the Department of Internal Diseases, Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Kursk, Russia
Bezgin A.V. – Head of the Nephrology Department, Kursk Regional Clinical Hospital; Pro-fessor at the Department of Internal Diseases №1, Kursk State Medical University
of the Min-istry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kursk, Russia.
Trigub A. – Resident Medical Practitioner at the Department of Internal Diseases FPGE, Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kursk, Russia

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