Shilov E.M., Shilova M.M., Rumyantseva E.I., Batyushin M.M., Bevzenko A.Yu., Belskikh A.N., Veselkova N.V., Yesayan A.M., Ivliev S.V., Kotenko O.N., Petrova N.Yu., Statsenko M.E., Stolyar A.G.
Nephrology Service of the Russian Federation 2024: Part I. Renal Replacement Therapy
6-17 |
Perepelitsa S.A.
Gender differences in kidney function in COVID-19
18-21 |
Murkamilov I.T., Aitbaev K.A., Fomin V.V., Yusupov F.A., Yusupova T.F., Yusupova Z.F., Duysheeva G.K., Khakimov Sh.Sh., Abdurakhmanov I.U., Solizhonov Zh.I., Ymankulov D.S., Khabibullaev K.K.
Right ventricle, pulmonary pressure and their relationship with renal function in patients with overweight and obesity
22-28 |
Mikhailova L.V., Perepelitsa S.A., Struchkov S.T., Orlova Yu.A., Akchurina K.N.
Acute kidney injury in patients with COVID-19: severity of inflammatory response and risk of chronic kidney disease development
29-32 |
Abdurakhimov A.Kh.
Analysis of demographic, clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with COVID-19 with acute kidney injury
33-36 |
Andreev S.S., Trushkin R.N., Isaev T.K., Artyukhina L.Yu., Frolova N.F., Ilyukhina N.N., Narusova P.O., Abdullaev Sh.P., Dushkin A.D., Lysenko M.A., Zhuravleva M.V.
Predictors of fatal outcome in patients hospitalized for renal pyelonephritis
37-46 |
Kulchavenya E.V., Kholtobin D.P., Shevchenko S.Yu.
Chronic pyelonephritis as a mimics of kidney tuberculosis
47-52 |
Murkamilov I.T., Aitbaev K.A., Fomin V.V., Yusupov F.A., Yusupova T.F., Yusupova Z.F., Duysheeva G.K., Khakimov Sh.Sh., Solizhonov Zh.I., Ymankulov D.S.
Clinical cases of acute kidney injury under conditions of exposure to short-term abnormal heat waves
53-60 |
Zubeev P.S., Kharlamova O.V., Motylev I.M., Zubeeva G.N., Suslova O.A., Shilov E.M.
Acute kidney damage due to statin taken: case description and literature review
61-66 |
Vershinina A.Ch., Vershinin P.Yu.
Thrombotic microangiopathies: differential diagnosis and choice of treatment strategy
67-75 |
Levchenkova O.S., Novikov V.E., Vorobyeva V.V., Kozlov S.N.
Hif-prolylhydroxylase inhibitors: the future for anemia treatment in patients with chronic kidney disease
76-85 |
Lelyavina T.A., Galagudza M.M., Sonin D.L., Popov S.V., Guseinov R.G., Beshtoev A.Kh., Malyshev E.A.
Prevalence and pathogenesis of kidney damage in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – the possibilities of early diagnosis using fluorescence organoscopy
86-94 |