Clinical Nephrology » Search Articles by Keyword
Found: 10 articles
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Ryasnyansky V.Yu., Shostka G.D., Anikonova L.I.
Nephrogenic anemia in patients receiving renal replacement therapy, pathogenesis and resistance
№1 / 2024
O.N. Vetchinnikova
Modern strategy for erythropoiesis-stimulating therapy in chronic kidney disease
№2 / 2016
N.A. Makarova, Ju.M. Zaharov
Relationship of renal excretory function impairment to serum erythropoietin level in chronic heart failure
№1 / 2015
Without authors
First monograph of E.M. Tareev
№1 / 2012
V.V. Fomin. L.V. Kozlovskaya, Yu.S. Milovanov
Cardiomyopathy in anemia, associated with chronic kidney disease: role of erythropoetin-beta
№6 / 2011
P.A. Vorobyev, L.Yu. Bezmenitsina
Epidemiology and quality of life in patients with chronic renal failire and anemia, receiving programm hemodyalisis. Part 2. Quality of life and costs of erythropoietin treatment
№2 / 2011
A.Yu. Zemchenkov, K.A.Vishnevsky, R.P.Gerasimchuk, S.L.Gavric, T.G.Kostyleva, V.N.Suchkov
The efficacy and safety evaluation of the domestic erythropoietin-β. The review and open multicenter study report
№2 / 2011
P.A. Vorobev, L.J. Bezmelnitsyna
Epidemiology and quality of life in patients with chronic renal failire and anemia, receiving programm hemodyalisis. Part 1. Epidemiology and use of erythropoietin medications
№1 / 2011
Hasabov N.N.
Use of erythropoietin in patients with terminal renal failure, treated with chronic hemodialysis (results of multicenter observational studs)
№3 / 2009
Yu. M. Zakharov (Chelyabinsk)
Citoprotective effects of erythropoietin.
№1 / 2009
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