Found: 5 articles

Article Edition
Popov S.V., Guseinov R.G., Yesayan A.M., Isakova-Sivak I.N., Sivak K.V., Skryabin O.N., Gorbacheva I.A., Matveeva D.A., Grushevsky R.O., Kovalevskaya A.V., Beshtoev A.Kh., Malyshev E.A., Lelyavina T.A.
Biological significance of differentially expressed genes of hypoxic-ischemic acute kidney injury (part 2)
№4 / 2024
A.V. Vatazin, A.B. Zul'karnaev, N.L. Shahov, M. Krstich, R.O. Kantarija
Long-term results of coupled plasma filtration adsorption in the treatment of renal transplant ischemia reperfusion injury
№4 / 2015
M.Yu. Krupnova, M.V. Bondarenko, V.V. Marasaev
Chronic kidney disease: risk factors for development and progression
№5 / 2013
A.V. Vatazin, A.A. Siniutin, A.B. Zul'karnaev, R.O. Kantaria, M. Krstich
Plasmapheresis in controlling of the severity of ischemia-reperfusion damage of renal transplant
№4 / 2013
M.Yu. Shvetsov, MD, PhD; A.A. Ivanov, MD, PhD, Prof; O.P. Popova, MD; A.V. Kuznetsova, MD, PhD; A.S. Rameeva
Renal expression of hypoxia-induced factor-1, anemia and nephrosclerosis severity in chronic glomerulonephritis.
№2 / 2009

Бионика Медиа