A.N. Tsigin, M.Yu. Kagan, N.N. Kartamysheva, N.A. Karagulian, E.N. Levchenko
Nephropathic cystinosis. An underestimated problem in pediatric nephrology
№4 / 2011
M.V. Erman
Treatment of urinary tract infection in children (clinical lecture)
№4 / 2011
M.S. Ignatova
Dysembriogenesis of urinary system and nephropathies
№4 / 2011
Yu.V. Natochin
Kidney development and problems of pediatric nephrology
№4 / 2011
Wegener’s grenulomatosis
№3 / 2011
N.I. Vilkova
Unresolved questions of diabetic nephropathy (part I)
№3 / 2011
S.V. Guliaev, A.D. Meshkov, P.I. Novikov, A.G. Semenovikh, N.V. Nikiforova, N.R. Nosova
Efficacy of aggressive immunosuppressive therapy in patient with fulminant Shoenlein-Henoch purpura
№3 / 2011
S.P. Fomina, I.V. Bagdasarova, T. Pavlenko
Steroid-resistant nephritic syndrome in childhood: single-centre experience
№3 / 2011
N.S. Kirshina, L.T. Pimenov
Chronic kidney disease risk factors in development of renal dysfunction in chronic heart failure patients
№3 / 2011
M.V. Avdeeva, L.V. Scheglova
Opportunities of healthcare centers in detection of patients with kidney disease and cardiovascular risk
№3 / 2011
D.E. Kutepov, I.N. Pasechnik, A.V. Popov, N.V. Blohina
Hepato-renal syndrome: modern opportunities of therapy
№3 / 2011
Yu.S. Miluvanova, L.Yu. Milovanova, L.V. Kozlovskaya
Variants of renal osteodystrophy
№3 / 2011