Found: 906 articles

Article Edition
N.O. Bryukhanova, I.P. Vitkovskaya, N.L. Pechatnikova, O.N. Kotenko, I.E. Koltunov
The procedure for providing information about a patient with a rare (orphan) disease in the list of life-threatening and chronic progressive rare diseases, leading to a reduction in life expectancy or disability
№1 / 2018
Updated National Inventory of Medicines for 2018
№1 / 2018
M.V. Amosova, O.Yu. Gurova
Kidney damage in type 2 diabetes mellitus: is it diabethic nephropathy only?
№4 / 2017
D.E. Rodriges, L.A. Bobrova, N.L. Kozlovskaya, E.S. Stolyarevich
Thrombotic microangiopathy in a patient with a genetic form of thrombofilia as a factor of the risk of progression of IgA-nephropathy
№4 / 2017
M.P. Safonova, V.V. Dlin, E.A. Potrokhova, L.S. Baleva
Primary hyperoxaluriatype 1: description of the clinical case
№4 / 2017
O.S. Arisheva, E.N. Dyakova, N.F. Frolova, O.N. Kotenko
Experience of successful eradication of hcv in a patient with cryoglobulinemic vasculitis
№4 / 2017
М.А. Устинова, М.М. Батюшин
Анализ влияния маркеров почечного повреждения при нарушении углеводного обмена на риск появления неселективной протеинурии
№4 / 2017
A.V. Sokolova, D.O. Dragunov, G.P. Arutyunov, S.A. Rumyantsev, I.P. Papyshev, E.M. Kildyushov
Influence of excessive salt intake on the change of tubulointerstitial kidney tissue in hypertensive patients. Morphological study
№4 / 2017
E.F. Barinov, Kh.V. Grigoryan, A.O. Balykina, T.I. Faber
Platelet-leukocyte aggregates in the circulating blood as an early indicator of recurrence of chronic obstructive pyelonephritis
№4 / 2017
M.M. Batyushin
The use of Blamaren in combination with uricostatics for the treatment of hyperuricemic tubulointerstitial nephritis in combination with urate urolithiasis
№4 / 2017
D.M. Bichurina, I.Z. Gaydukova, A.V. Aparkina, E.V. Khondkaryan, A.P. Rebrov
Impaired renal function in patients with degenerative distrophic diseases of the spine and axial spondyloarthritis receiving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
№4 / 2017
M.M. Batyushin
New approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of CKD-MBD (KDIGO 2017 Clinical Practice Guideline Update for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention, and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease–Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD)
№4 / 2017

Бионика Медиа