Early stages of CKD: problems and prospects

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/nephrology.2019.1.73-81

E.G. Dorofeeva

FSAEI HE "People’s Friendship University of Russia", Moscow, Russia; SBHCI "City Clinical Hospital № 52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department", Moscow, Russia
CKD occupies the third place in mortality and the resulting complications among chronic pathologies. The problem of CKD has not only medical, but also economic nature. Hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, mineral and bone disorders are those factors that are well controlled and treated at the early stages of kidney diseases. Early diagnosis and timely treatment of complications contribute not only to improving the quality of life, but also to reducing disability, mortality and economic costs.
This literature review presents the problems of the early stages of CKD and analyzes recent studies.

About the Autors

Dorofeeva E.G. – Postgraduate Student at the Department of Hospital Therapy, People’s Friendship University of Russia, Therapist at City Clinical Hospital № 52 of the Moscow Healthcare Department; Moscow, Russia. E-mail: egdorofeeva@bk.ru

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