O.N. Sigitova, A.R. Bogdanova
Acute kidney injury in coronary heart disease after revascularization procedure: risk factors and outcomes
№3 / 2013
E.A. Zuglova
Modification of diet efficacy in renal transplant recipients
№3 / 2013
O.N. Kurochkina 1, A.N. Bogomolov 2, A.V. Kuznetsov 3
Renal function assessment in formation of unfarovable prognostic model in patients with myocardial infaction (acute coronary syndrome with ST elevation)
№3 / 2013
V.A., Zhmurov, D.V. Zhmurov, S.A. Oskolkov, V.G. Yarkova, D.E Kovalchuk., S.V. Artem'eva
Impact of direct renin inhibitor on central hemodynamics parameters and thrombocytes structure and function in patients with chronic kidney disease and arterial hypertension
№3 / 2013
N.V. Zagorodnikova, O.N. Rzhevskaya, K.E. Lazareva, N.V. Shmarina, A.V. Pinchuk
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in early perioperative period after renal tranplantation
№3 / 2013
S.Y Serikova, N.L Kozlovskaya, I.N Bobkova
Premature development and progression of atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus
№3 / 2013
L. Yu. Milovanova, Yu. S. Milovanov, L.V. Kozlovskaya
Nephro- cardioprotective role of the Klotho protein circulating form in patients with chronic kidney disease
№3 / 2013
Antioxidants in nephrology: bardoxolone and diabetic nephropathy
№3 / 2013
G.P. Arutiunov, L.G. Oganezova, A.V. Sokolova
Health centers: opportunities and perspectives in early diagnosis of heart failure and kidney involvement in patients with arterial hypertension
№1 / 2012
G.P. Arutyunov, L.G. Oganezova, D.O. Dragunov, A.V. Sokolova
Arterial hypertension epidemiology: associations with renal involvement and salt-sensitivity phenomena
№2 / 2013
B.Z. Sirotin
Kidney in patients survived in hantaan and puumala virus-induced nephropathy
№2 / 2013
M.S. Ignatova, S.L. Morozov, T.A. Kryganova, D.V. Shentseva, N.F. Nazarova, N.E. Kon'kova, V.V. Dlin
Congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract syndrome in children: modern statement
№2 / 2013