Found: 896 articles

Article Edition
R.Kh. Galeev, D.D. Khamitov
The current state of problem of kidney tumors and analysis of rational approaches to medical interventions
№1 / 2011
V.V. Fomin
Isolated systolic hypertension: global risk factor
№1 / 2011
L. Yu. Milovanova, Yu.S. Milovanov, L.V. Kozlovskaya
Disturbances of calcium-phosphate metabolism disturbances in chronic kidney disease stage III–V
№1 / 2011
G.P. Arutiunov, L.G. Oganesova
Renal tubulointerstium and it’s involvement in arterial hypertension
№1 / 2011
P.A. Vorobev, L.J. Bezmelnitsyna
Epidemiology and quality of life in patients with chronic renal failire and anemia, receiving programm hemodyalisis. Part 1. Epidemiology and use of erythropoietin medications
№1 / 2011
О.V. Rtyscheva, O.F. Kalev, V. Yu. Akhmatov
Сauses of death in patients receiving program heamodalysis
№1 / 2011
M.M. Batiushin, E.S. Levitskaya, V.P. Terenti’ev, A.A. Diugikov, A.V. Poddubny
Influence of cardiovascular and renal risk factors on prognosis of coronary heart disease patients, undergone myocardial revascularization
№1 / 2011
I.L. Gracheva, I.A. Kazakova
Modern therapy of chronic pyelonepritis in day patient facility
№1 / 2011
M.M. Severova, E.A. Saginova, M.G. Gallyamov, N.V. Ermakov, A.V. Rodina, M.V. Severov, V.V. Fomin, N.A. Moukhin
Association of leptinemia and adiponectinemia with chronic kidney disease in patients with metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
№1 / 2011
M.S. Ignatova
Ciliopathies: current concepts
№1 / 2011
N.L. Kozlovskaya
Low molecular weight heparins in nephrologists practice
№1 / 2011
N.V. Tchebotareva, I.N. Bobckova, L.V. Kozlovskaya, O.A. Li
Dysfunction of renal self-defence mechanisms in chronic glomerulonephritis
№1 / 2011

Бионика Медиа