A.V. Gudkov, E.M. Tilashov, V.S. Boschenko, V.K. Chigoryaev
Efficacy of use of prolit and mineral water “silver spring” in complex treatment of nephrolithyasis
№4 / 2013
B.G. Iskenderov, O.N. Sysina
Frequency and predictors of acute kidney injury in patients after surgical correction of heart valve disease
№4 / 2013
A.Yu. Zemchenkov 1, 2, R.P. Gerasimchuk 1, K.A. Vishnevskii 1, G.A. Zemchenkov 1
Hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic kidney disease in hemodyalisis: risks and opportunities of correction
№4 / 2013
Z.R. Bashirova
Matrix metalloproteinases in progression of hereditary kidney disease (Literature review)
№4 / 2013
N.A. Moukhin, L.V. Kozlovskaya, V.V. Fomin, Yu.S. Milovanov
MDRD study: role in clinical nephrology
№4 / 2013
A. A Svistunov, V.V Fomin, I.E Kupriyanov
Marcello Malpighi: a founder of renal glomeruli
№3 / 2013
P.V. Glybochko, Yu. G. Alyaev, A.Z. Vinarov, M.E. Chalyy, Yu. M. Esilevsky, Y.L. Demidko, S.A. Myannik, L.S. Demidko, M.V. Epifanova
Treatment of patients with urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy
№3 / 2013
A.D. Aynakulov 1, D.B. Dzhenalayev 1, E.V. Shpot 2
Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy in children
№3 / 2013
O.I. Bratchikov
Use of Prolit in complex therapy of nephrolithiasis, complicated with secondary pyelonephritis
№3 / 2013
O.V. Nesterenko, V.I. Goremykin
Urodynamic parameters in children with chronic pyelonephritis
№3 / 2013
V.A Bykovskiy 1, A.N Kislyakov 2, V.I Runenko 3
Morphological basis of ultrasound estimation of acute pyelonephritis in children
№3 / 2013
K.A. Vishnevskiy 1, A.Yu. Zamchenkov 1,2, R.P. Gerasimchuk 1
Anticoagulation on haemodyalisis: perspectives of low molecular weight heparins in dyalisis optimization
№3 / 2013