Found: 906 articles

Article Edition
Chicherina E.N., Padyganova A.V.
Structural and functional interrelations of changes of cardiorenal system in pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension
№5-6 / 2012
Gassanov M.Z., Batiushin M.M., Terent’ev V.P., Sadovnichaya N.A.
Proteomic spectrum of the urine in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis
№5-6 / 2012
Bondar I.А.,Klimontov V.V., Romanov V.V.
Urinary excretion of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in type 1 diabetic patients with nephropathy
№5-6 / 2012
Rebrov A.P.,Kuklina A.L.
Renal function parameters and endothelial disfunction in patients with arterial hypertension
№5-6 / 2012
Burmagina A.G., Nikolaev A.Yu.
Association of prehypertension with risk factors of chronic kidney disease, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis
№5-6 / 2012
Vatazin A.V., Zul'karnaev A.B., Astakhov P.V., Vasilenko I.A., Krstich M., Artemov D.V.
Interleukin-6 in development of ishemia-reperfusion syndorme and renal transplant rejection
№5-6 / 2012
Rogova I.V., Fomin V.V. , Damulin I.V. ,.Mukhin N.A.
Mild cognitive disorders in chronic kidney disease: clinical spectrum, pathogenesis, risk factors, treatment
№5-6 / 2012
M.S. Ignatovа
My teacher of nephrology - Evgenie Mihajlovich Tareev
№4 / 2012
I.V. Bagdasarova, O.V. Lavrenchuk, L.A. Myhal
Diagnosing and prognosis of clinical course in urinary tract infections in children
№4 / 2012
A.D. Ainakulov, E.V. Shpot
Сolor dopplerography in diagnosing of total duplication of ureters in children
№4 / 2012
Yu.G. Aljaev, N.K. Dzeranov, L.M. Rapoport, D.G. Tsarichenko, E.A. Frolov
Modern approaches to dissolution of uretheral urate stones
№4 / 2012
V.V. Fomin
Role of iron sucrose in treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease
№4 / 2012

Бионика Медиа