Found: 896 articles

Article Edition
A.P. Potemkina, T.V. Margieva, O.V. Komarova, T.V. Vashurina, O.A. Zrobock, L.V. Leonova, P.E. Povilaitite, A.N. Tsigyn
Differential diagnosis of main сauses of glomerular heamaturia in children
№3 / 2012
N.L. Kozlovskaya, L.I. Merkusheva, T.V. Kirsanova, N.K. Runihina
Course and outcome of atypical haemolytico-uremic syndrome in pregnancy
№3 / 2012
N.A. Mukhin, L.A. Alekseeva, V.S. Babanin, E.D. Dokina, L.O. Minushkina
Renal function and heart valve calcification in postmenopausal women
№3 / 2012
I.T. Murkamilov, R. Kaliev, V.V. Fomin, D.A. Ayipova, B.Zh. Imanov
Сhronic glomerulonephritis an в cardiovascular system
№3 / 2012
E.S. Levitskaya, M.M. Batiushin, V.P. Terentiev, A.A. Diujikov, A.V. Khripun
Renal risk factors and coronary atherosclerotic plaque characteristics in prognosing of recurrent angina in patients undergone myocardial revascularization
№3 / 2012
A.S. Korelina, T.V. Zhdanova, A.V. Nazarov
Factors inducing increase of QT-interval dispersion in patients on program hemodialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
№3 / 2012
O.N. Kurochkina, A.L. Khohlov, A.N. Bogomolov
Cardiorenal interrelations in patients with myocardial infarction
№3 / 2012
V.V. Kaliuzhin, O.F. Sibirtseva, O.I. Urazova, E.V. Kaliuzhina, L.M. Tkalich, Li.I. Zibnitskaya, R.N. Kolesnikov, V.Yu. Grankina
Laboratory markers of haemosthasis panel in prognosing of progression of chronic kidney disease
№3 / 2012
A.P. Rebrov, O.G. Kargalskaya
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in patients with psoriatic arthritis
№3 / 2012
Yu.A. Pigareva, S.V. Avdoshina, T.B. Dmitrova, M.A. Efremovtseva, Zh.G. Tigay
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in patients of clinic of internal diseases
№3 / 2012
E.M. Shilov, E.I. Levankovskaya, M.S. Novikova
New approaches in treatment of chronic kidney disease in metabolic syndrome
№2 / 2012
O.V. Nesterenko, V.I. Goremykin
Modern approaches to diagnosing and treatment of primary monosymptomatic night enuresis in children
№2 / 2012

Бионика Медиа